Men’s Health Panel: Genetic Testing for Men

$ 210.00

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The GX Sciences Men’s HealthPanel consists of 15 gene variants (SNPs) that have been chosen by our medical experts which play a significant role in:

  • Testosterone Conversion and Breakdown
  • Estrogen Formation
  • Risk of Metabolic Weakness
  • Risk of Hypertension

Conditions that indicate the possible need for hormone testing and a GX Sciences Men’s Health Panel include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight Gain
  • Low Sex Drive
  • Carbohydrate Cravings
  • Male Pattern Baldness
  • Abnormal Breast Enlargement
  • Testicular Atrophy
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Loss of Strength
  • Slow Recovery
  • Currently taking Testosterone Supplementation

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While life expectancy has increased over the last few decades, there continues to be a longevity gap between men and women. On average, women live five years longer than men. Men are also more likely than women to have chronic illnesses. There are biological, behavioral, and social factors contributing to the gender gap. GX Sciences hopes to promote an increase in life expectancy and quality of life by helping men understand their genetic tendencies and provide personalized recommendations via DNA analysis. Knowing your genetic predisposition allows you and your physician to help determine the proper course of treatment for your nutritional, hormonal and/or metabolic deficiencies. It can also make you more aware of the signs and symptoms of possible complications from hormonal therapy.

    The report algorithms, created by our medical experts, will take the patient's genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon many factors and their clinical expertise. The built-in proprietary software takes out the guesswork and allows the provider to recommend the proper nutrition and health advisements safely by your DNA results.

    Utilizing our proprietary SNPgenius software, the Men’s Health Panel will take an individual patient’s DNA genetic findings and interpret them through the GX Sciences Precision Supplementation algorithm to determine the exact therapeutic need, lifestyle alteration or laboratory test that is indicated for you.

    Hormonal and metabolic abnormalities in men can produce a number of undesirable effects, such as weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, decreased sex drive and mood disturbances. In many men, their genetic inheritance has altered the way they process hormones such as testosterone. Additionally, new evidence indicates that certain treatable genetic differences can create a relative difficulty in maintaining appropriate hormonal levels as we age. Replacing testosterone has become commonplace in today’s medicine, however, without knowing your genetic make-up, hormone replacement can be less effective or, in some cases, potentially dangerous.


    Hormones influence complex processes involving mood, sexual function, reproduction, metabolism, growth, and development. Glands present across the body release these chemical messengers, usually in cascades. Hormone imbalances and disorders can occur when there’s an issue in production and/or delivery of specific hormones.

    One’s environment can impact hormone production. Chemicals one’s exposed to can disrupt pathways and conversions required for proper hormone production. 95% of all testosterone in males is produced in the testes, balanced by the brain and adrenal gland. Testosterone levels begin to decrease in mid-thirties. Whether impacted by one’s environment or one’s own biological changes, an imbalance in testosterone levels can add to a decrease in muscle strength, libido, and bone density. Symptoms of a hormone imbalance include decreases in muscle strength, libido, mental clarity, stamina in addition to depression and poor concentration. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may want to visit your physician and consider a men’s health panel.


    The prostate is a gland found between the bladder and the penis with the urethra running through its center. Its smooth muscles help eject semen and prostatic fluid, improving the possibility for fertilization during intercourse. Most men experience two stages of prostate growth: after puberty and later in life, as early as 25 years old for some. Prostate conditions such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) can make urination difficult and painful, possibly exacerbating the prostate condition or triggering related health issues.  

    Inflammation plays a large role in some prostate conditions. Prostatitis is a condition sometimes caused by infection where the prostate becomes inflamed. While no cause of BPH / enlarged prostate has been determined, studies have shown inflammation to be a contributing factor. Symptoms may include the inability to completely empty the bladder, a weak stream, and difficulty starting and/or finishing peeing. The enlarged prostate constricts the urethra and does not allow the bladder to completely empty, further exacerbating the issue.

    GX Sciences understands how inflammation can wreak havoc on the body, leading to premature aging and chronic diseases. Our genetic experts identified SNPs that speak to genetic tendencies for chronic inflammation. Promote prostate health by reducing chronic inflammation.


    While biological factors play a large role in life expectancy and quality of life, so do social and behavioral factors. Women are considered to have larger and more intimate social networks, reducing the risk factors for heart attacks, depression, and strokes. Women are also less likely to participate in risky behavior, making it more likely that they stay out of harm's’ way. With the help of GX Sciences’ men’s health panel, we hope to empower men to take their health into their own hands and proactively make lifestyle changes before life forces them to with the help of our genetic analysis and personalized nutrition and supplemental recommendations.