The Path to Renewed Health

The Path to Renewed Health

Imagine a life where you no longer feel burdened by sluggish digestion or other dibilitating health issues. This can be achieved when you supports your body’s natural detox pathways.

The root of your health issues might be an overload of toxins that your body can’t keep up with, leading to symptoms and potential diseases. To break this cycle and restore your health, it's essential to support and rejuvenate your body's elimination organs: the bowel, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood, and lymphatic system.

Remember, your body is continuously renewing itself, your brain in one year, blood in four months, skeleton in three months, DNA in two months, liver in six weeks, skin in one month, and stomach lining in just five days. So why settle for feeling less than your best when your body has the potential to thrive?

It Can Start With the Bowel

It Can Start With the Bowel

We live in a world where constipation has become an epidemic. A nation stuck in stagnation, putrefaction, fermentation, and autointoxication. Shockingly, medical doctors reveal that less than 50% of Americans experience a daily bowel movement, despite there being no medical necessity for one.

The National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse confirms that having three bowel movements a day to three a week is considered normal.

However, in 2004, the European Journal of Cancer sounded the alarm, linking constipation to an increased risk of colon cancer. However, what most people don't realize is that there are two types of constipation:

1. Infrequent Elimination: When you struggle to have a bowel movement.
2. Mucoviscidosis (Intestinal Mucin): When the colon wall becomes encrusted with hardened mucus and fecal matter, leading to narrow passages and pencil-like stools. This can harbor parasites and be as resilient as truck tire rubber.

We've witnessed incredible transformations, with people passing black, hard ropes in just a few days. Imagine the power of colon cleansing, eliminating old material from your colon that could be years old.

One nurse, with 19 years of experience, couldn't believe her eyes: "I have never seen anything like this pass from a human body."

The Dangers of Parasites and Worms

The Dangers of Parasites and Worms

The constipation epidemic is just the beginning of potential health issues. Beneath the surface, many people unknowingly harbor parasites and worms that can seriously disrupt your well-being. These invaders can cause a range of symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea, and in severe cases, lead to malnutrition by depleting essential nutrients. They also weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to other illnesses. For example, tapeworms cling to the intestines with specialized structures, while roundworms can produce hundreds of thousands of eggs daily. Hookworms alone affect a billion people annually and can be deadly.

(National Geographic, Oct 1997, VOL. 192, NO. 4).


This cleanse is amazing. Its benefits are rewarding to the body. I have experienced other body cleanses on the market. But I find Modern Manna to be the best. I have done the 10-day cleanse for the past 3 years. It is a complete and thorough cleanse. Amazed at how I feel after every cleanse. My body is totally Revived.

After 5 days I noticed my joint pain was gone and I no longer woke up hurting and stiff in the morning. I'm full of energy and I'm doing the 10 days without food and I don't get hungry. A great start to living a clean life.
