Health Articles
The Hidden Dangers of Everyday Toxins
In our modern world, toxins are an inescapable part of daily life, present in the air we breathe, the food we consume, and the water we drink. Approximately 350,000 human-made chemicals pose health risks, with limited safety evaluations. This silent threat underscores the importance of safeguarding our liver and overall well-being.
Why Should I DETOX?
We are a nation of constipation, stagnation, putrefaction, fermentation, and autointoxication. Medical doctors report that less than 50% of Americans have a daily bowel movement, and, in fact, there is no medical reason to have a bowel movement every day. The National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse states that three bowel movements a day to three a week are normal, while the FDA reports that the average American male may be carrying an unbelievable 5 to 22 lbs. of fecal matter on any given day.